Gapers Block alerted us to one of the coolest, er, snuggliest(?) ideas we've heard in a long time. ''The Snuggie Pub Crawl.'' Yep. Don't tell us you haven't heard of snuggies.
If you watch late-night television, you've seen the commercials for those ever-so-comfy-looking blankets with sleeves. ''Wearable blankets,'' if you will. Anyway, there is a web site polling interest in a pub crawl for people who will presumably wear a snuggie throughout the experience. There is no time, location or any details sketched out just yet; the web site simply asks for your e-mail address so they can keep you apprised of plans as they are decided. On our last check, there were about 439 e-mail addresses submitted so far, so rest easy that if you go, you won't be the only fool wandering the streets slightly inebriated in a wearable blanket. Just do your best not to trip or spill any foam on your snuggly threads.