There's a new addition to the Blackhawks family.
Patrick Sharp and his wife, Abby, welcomed a daughter into the world at about 5:30 p.m. Friday.
Speaking to reporters after Saturday's practice at the United Center, Sharp said he wasn't expecting the phone call home after Thursday's 3-2 victory over the Islanders to go quite like it did.
"I called my wife after the game and was expecting to hear congratulations or nice goal or good game or something and the first thing she said was, 'I think I’m having the baby tonight,'" he said. "I forgot about hockey pretty quick and turned my focus to her. I got off the plane from New York and and she had gone into labor."
Madelyn Grace Sharp was born at Northwestern Hospital, weighing in at 6 pounds, 2 ounces and measuring 19 inches long.
"Mom is awesome, baby’s in great shape," Sharp said. "I thought I’d be a wreck and nervous and stressing out about everything but everyone at the hospital was great. The nurses and doctors. And my wife Abby was awesome throughout the whole thing. She was really in control and comfortable. It was a great experience."
Following practice, Sharp said he was heading back to the hospital to spend time with his family. Wife Abby and newborn Madelyn are expected to head home on Sunday, just in time to watch Sharp and the Blackhawks take on the San Jose Sharks.