Blago's a Liar: Madigan

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan didn’t mince words when asked if Rod Blagojevich had worked out a deal to install her as an Illinois Senator just before his arrest.

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan didn't mince words when asked if Rod Blagojevich had worked out a deal to install her as an Illinois Senator just before his arrest.

"Gov. Blagojevich is a liar," Madigan said during a press conference on cyberbullying.

Blagojevich said Friday, in an exclusive interview with, that he had worked out a deal to appoint Madigan to the Senate seat if her father, Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan would promise to support a jobs bill, help pass health care legislation and sign a memo of understanding not to raise taxes on the people of Illinois.

"Rahm Emanuel was involved in this, with me and my staff," Blagojevich said.

Monday Madigan refuted that claim as well, saying that she never heard from Rahm Emanuel nor from Blagojevich's people.

"I have not talked to the governor, or the former governor, for more years than I can count on one hand," she said.  "I did not speak to Rahm Emanuel about an appointment to the Senate seat.  I think it's been very clear, based on our complete lack of a relationship, one, that he never reached out to me.  Two, that would he reach out to me, that I would never accept an appointment to the U.S. Senate seat from him, and three, as you are all aware, I'm running for attorney general.  I'm not running for U.S. Senate."

Up until now Madigan has been reticent to comment on the Blagojevich trial even though her name has come up repeatedly. Monday's comment, however, clearly defined her position.

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