Scott Lee Cohen announced Monday he is running of Governor or Illinois.
The pawn-broker-turned-Lt.-Governor-candidate-turned-pawn-broker announced an independent run for Governor of Illinois during a morning press conference at the James R. Thompson center in Chicago’s loop.
Cohen has been telegraphing the announcement for weeks, but has been hesitant to actually commit to running against Pat Quinn and Bill Brady.
"I have to make sure I have all my ducks in a row," Cohen said in a telephone call with NBC last week. "I don't want to be thought of as a foolish person.”
A spokesman for Illinois Speaker of the House and Democratic Party chairman Michael Madigan said two weeks ago that Cohen made known his intention to run.
Cohen was essentially forced to step down from the Lt. Governor spot by Madigan after information surfaced from his checkered past.
If Cohen makes the announcement he’ll have to secure enough signatures to make the ballot and choose a running mate for the November general election.

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