One hundred and forty-nine years after his death, new documents in the hand of Abraham Lincoln are still being found.
The Papers of Abraham Lincoln project says the two documents, both letters, are in a private collection at the University of Alabama Libraries in Tuscaloosa.
The first is a letter to Lincoln's former secretary of war, Simon Cameron, concerning treason cases against prominent Baltimore officials in 1863. The second concerns the use of several thousand Enfield muskets captured from British ships trying to run blockades into the Confederacy in 1862.
"It is amazing that in the 21st century, new Lincoln materials are still being found," Professor Charles Summersell of the University of Illinois Springfield said in a statement. "Once again, the relentlessly diligent researchers for the Invaluable Papers of Abraham Lincoln have discovered previously unknown material on our sixteenth president."
"This is a very important find," said Jonathan White, author of "Abraham Lincoln and Treason in the Civil War. "It confirms how Lincoln's finger was on the pulse of so many aspects of the war."
The Papers of Abraham Lincoln is a long-term project, aimed at identifying and publishing all documents written by, or to, Abraham Lincoln during his lifetime.