Unlike President Obama, Gov. Pat Quinn is speaking out in favor of gun control in the days after the movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colorado. Quinn, it should be noted, campaigned on the issue in 2010, when he had the support of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Quinn’s opponent, Bill Brady, took a strongly pro-gun stance, promising to sign a conceal carry bill if he was elected.
Here’s what Quinn had to say to reporters about John Larimer, the Navy sailor from Illinois who was killed in the massacre (audio courtesy of Capitol Fax):
I think it’s important for everyone in America to take a step back and pray for the victims as well as those who are trying to recover, their families. The Larimer family did not know for many hours on Friday whether their son was dead or alive, and it was a very traumatic time for our family, a special family from our state of Illinois. I think it’s important we do what the president did yesterday: go to Colorado and console those who are grief-stricken.
Here’s Quinn advocating an assault weapons ban in Illinois:
With respect to laws, I’m for a ban on assault weapons in our state. I campaigned on that in 2010. I also feel that these high-capacity ammunition magazines need to be regulated and prohibited. I think it’s important that our state show the way. There’s bills that have been introduced on that subject of assault weapons and these ammunition magazines, and I think we have to renew our efforts there.
And here’s Quinn, again, explaining why Illinois should be the only state that does not allow conceal carry:
I’m opposed to the conceal carry proposal. The idea of allowing people to carry loaded weapons that are hidden, on their person, and be able to go in public places, whether it’s a movie theater, a grocery store, a shopping center or a sports stadium, I just don’t think that’s a good way to prevent violence. I said last year I would not support that proposal that was in the House, and I don’t support it now.

Buy this book! Ward Room blogger Edward McClelland's book, Young Mr. Obama: Chicago and the Making of a Black President , is available Amazon. Young Mr. Obama includes reporting on President Obama's earliest days in the Windy City, covering how a presumptuous young man transformed himself into presidential material. Buy it now!