Chicago’s mayor apparently isn’t liked by those who support labor and teachers. Mary Ann Ahern reports.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel's image in Chicago is taking a turn.
A new poll by Crain’s Chicago Business notes the mayor’s job-approval rating “has taken a big hit in recent months.”
According to 600 voters in Illinois, only 19 percent somewhat or strongly approve of the mayor’s performance. When Crain’s polled a similar group back in September, 34 percent approved of the job Emanuel was doing.
Crain’s points to the Chicago Teachers Union strike as well as the spike in murders and the push for government workers pension reform as possible reasons for his poor poll numbers.
It apparently rubbed residents the wrong way. Just two percent of Chicagoans surveyed said they strongly approve of the mayor’s job performance.
Labor insiders call the drop in Emanuel’s numbers “horrendous.”