Rauner Still Won't Answer Questions on Potential Re-Election Campaign

With less than three weeks left until the end of the legislative session, Governor Bruce Rauner is busy jamming both work-related and campaign events into his schedule.

After leaving a school in Bloomingdale Friday, Rauner headed to a midday fundraiser at Bentley's Pancake House in the northwest suburb. The flier for the fundraiser, which was emailed to supporters, asked for donations from $5 to $50.

Rauner again refused to discuss his re-election campaign during the event and has not formally announced that he's a candidate in the 2018 race.

A growing list of Democratic candidates have announced campaigns in recent months. Among them are billionaire J.B. Pritzker, Chris Kennedy, State Sen. Daniel Biss, Chicago Ald. Ameya Pawar, downstate school Supt. Bob Daiber and business owner Alex Paterakis.

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