Standing at a podium decorated with a campaign sign that promised "New Leadership for a New Direction", Scott Lee Cohen today announced his candidacy for governor of Illinois.
Arriving to scattered applause in the front of the James R. Thompson Center and smiling broadly, Cohen read a brief statement to the media.
"I have called this press conference to officially announce my candidacy and intention to run for governor of the state of Illinois," Cohen said. "I am running for governor because like the rest of the state of Illinois, I am tired of the waste and mismanagement that has led our state through financial instability."
Cohen reiterated that he would not advocate for a tax increase, and would organize a committee of small and large business owners to assist with fiscal policy.
Cohen said his campaign would be funded both by personal funds and donations.
"I believe people want to work with me and help me so some of it will be donated," Cohen said.
But Cohen said he had not yet picked a running mate.
"I encourage anyone who is interested to call me," Cohen said.
Cohen didn't shy away from the personal issues that caused his ouster from his lieutenant governor nomination.
"I am not perfect, but I am honest," Cohen said, mentioning his divorce and the revelations that led to his ouster. "I was with people who did not have my best interests at heart. But I have moved on. That was five years ago. And like many of you, I have restarted my life.
"I have asked the people of Illinois to forgive me."

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