Rahm Gets a Lesson in Press Relations

The mayor-elect doesn’t appear to be media friendly.

Rahm Emanuel, the soon-to-be-mayor of Chicago, Friday stopped by the Chicago International Charter School Ralph Ellison to teach 11th and 12th graders a lesson in AP government.

But Emanuel may have been the one who got educated.

The Emanuel team invited the media to the teaching event, calling it an OPEN PRESS * availability. Apparently they intended it as a photo-op only.

Once reporters arrived at the school, they were told they couldn't ask questions of the children, wouldn't have access to Emanuel and would be limited to shooting a few moments of video of Emanuel teaching.

To add isnsult to injury, members of the media were told about the limited access while being held in the principal's office.

Reporters, however, decided to teach Emanuel a thing or two about the governmental transparency he talked so much about during the campaign.

They objected to the sequestering and limited access until the Emanuel camp decided it would be a good idea for Emanuel to maybe take a few questions on education reform.

Emanuel eventually held a 10 minute press availability.

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