60 Objections … and Counting

After a lengthy period where prosecutors raised, and judge James Zagel sustained, one objection after another, the judge took a recess and ordered defense attorney Aaron Goldstein to stop his line of questioning.

Goldstein was attempting to explore the effort, or lack thereof, to offer Lisa Madigan the senate seat in exchange for Mike Madigan's acquiescence on pending legislation.  Witness Bob Greenlee, however, would not budge in his contention that the matter was never pursued.

After a score of objections, and with the jury safely out of the room, a weary judge Zagel lowered the hammer.

"It might help if you told me what you were trying to do," the exasperated judge said. Rejecting Goldstein's explanation, he said, "I'm not going to let you do it any more. It's just a waste of time."

Goldstein is at over 60 objections for the day.

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