Emanuel Posts City Salaries, Budget Online

In his effort to increase transparency in city government, Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday posted the salaries of every city employee.

A page on the CityofChicago.org website now lists 34, 218 employees and their salaries.

While city employee salary information is public, historically the information has been requested by organizations that seek to publish it. This is the first time that the city has proactively put the salary information online.

"An appointment in city government is about serving the taxpayers," Emanuel said in a statement. "In all of our actions, we will work to insure that the interests of the people of Chicago are our first and only priority."

Salaries top out at $260,004 for police Supt. Garry McCarthy and go as low as $2,756 for several foster grandparents.  Deputy Mayor Mark Angelson is listed with his symbolic salary of $1.

Current Employee Names, Salaries, and Position Titles

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In addition to the salary information, Emanuel's office also posted online the city's 2011 budget:

Budget - Budgeted Expenditures in 2011 Appropriation Ordinance

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