Rep. Joe Walsh last weekend told business owners that if there were ever a year where they needed to "energize" their employees for the election, it's this year.
And he told them to let their staff members know they could be out of a job if they don't cast a vote for the Grand Old Party.
"Spread the word," Walsh boomed. "If you run -- if you run, own or manage a company, tell your employees. What was the CEO this week that said, 'If Obama is re-elected, I may have to let all of you go next year? If Obama's reelected, if the Democrats take Congress, I may not be able to cover your health insurance next year?'"
Walsh, who is in a intense battle for Illinois' newly-redrawn 8th Congressional District against Democrat Tammy Duckworth, was referring to David Siegel, the founder and CEO of timeshare company Westgate Resorts. Siegel last week sent a note out to his employees telling them that four more years of an Obama Administration threatens the growth of his company and, therefore, their jobs.
"I can no longer support a system that penalizes the productive and gives to the unproductive. My motivation to work and to provide jobs will be destroyed, and with it, so will your opportunities," he wrote, in part, in his letter.
Walsh has been an outspoken opponent of the Affordable Care Act and sides with Republican Mitt Romney in calling for its repeal.
His remarks were posted to YouTube by a group called CREDO, a SuperPAC dedicated to progressive issues. Walsh makes the group's "Tea Party Ten," a list of elected representatives they say are unfit to serve. Walsh, says CREDO, is "America's Most Offensive Congressman."
The Chicago Sun-Times notes that CREDO has spent $165,437 in the district.
Another SuperPAC will soon pump more than $2 million into supporting Walsh, The Chicago Sun-Times reported this week.