Chicago's Real Kitchen might have trumped everyone for best and most hilarious Halloween costume this year.
The to-go cafe "dressed up" as Grant Achatz's Alinea and took the opportunity to poke fun at the high-end restaurant's modern take on food. During a spoof video posted by Real Kitchen, chefs prepare "exquisite fine dining cuisine" packaged for take-out.
The chefs create absurd dishes in the video and use equally absurd techniques to bring them to life. While all of this is going on, you can hear the narrator explaining the super modern reasons for these odd cooking methods.
"The potatoes are then arranged as if they were scattered on a forest floor, with the rosemary evocative of pine needles," the narrator says during the preparation of one dish.
Two diners eventually come by to pick up their food at Real Kitchen, where they receive wine in paper cups and bags of strange food. The restaurant also provides them with "the executive chef box to go" and a variety of other tools for their cooking needs. At the end of it all, their kitchen ends up looking sort of like a science lab.
You can watch here to fully appreciate how awesome this is: