Catholic Charities said thanks but no thanks to a donation proposed by Kuma's Corner after the Chicago-area restaurant's new “The Ghost" burger caused a stir last week.
The new burger, offered through the month of October at the Avondale restaurant, comes served with a red wine reduction and topped with a controversial unconsecrated Communion wafer.
In a Facebook post, the Chicago restaurant's owner and operations director said they "in no way created this as a commentary on religion or as an attack on anyone's personal beliefs."
"In standing with our policy of supporting charity and Chicago at large, we have made a $1,500 donation to the Catholic Charities of the Chicago Archdiocese as we understand that they share our mentality of serving anyone in need from any walk of life," the Facebook post continues.
Kuma's is known for naming burgers after heavy metal bands, and restaurant officials said this creation is named after a metal band from Sweden called "Ghost B.C."
Kristine Kappel, a spokeswoman for the charity, said Kuma's never contacted them about the donation or the burger itself. The online donation was made over the weekend and showed up Monday, Kappel said, but Catholic Charities said they will not accept.
"The Eucharist is a central part of the Catholic faith and we strongly urge Kuma's Corner to discontinue selling a burger that disrespects that faith and the faith of all Christians,” Kappel said, noting the money should return to Kuma's account in a couple days.
Kuma's said it does not plan to stop selling the burger and the owners wrote on Facebook they hope the public will familiarize themselves with the band for which "The Ghost" is named.