Andy Dick does not think McDonald's is funny. Particularly when it come to the fast-food giant's chicken-making methods.
The comedian appeared Thursday as a maniacal Ronald McDonald, donning a tattered version of the notorious clown suit and wielding a knife at a protest outside of Chicago’s Rock ‘N’ Roll McDonald's.
“I’m not here to rule your life,” Dick said. “But I’m representing PETA here, I am the spokesperson for how cruelly these chickens are being killed.”
Protesters were ticked off about what they describe as the “inhumane” killing methods of McDonald’s chicken suppliers.
But McDonald’s insists that PETA’s two-month campaign against its procedures is embellished with inaccuracies.
“McDonald’s expects humane treatment of animals by our suppliers in every part of the world where we do business,” Bob Langert, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility said in an e-mail. “McDonald’s requires our food suppliers to do the right thing -- for animals, for humans, and for the environment.”
Dick and his PETA posse, however, think otherwise. They would prefer McDonald’s use the European method of controlled-atmosphere killing, which they claim is more humane and cost-efficient.
Ryan Huling, a campaign organizer, was the ringleader for the event, leading chants like, “Hey, McCruelty, what do you say? How many chickens tortured today?”
“I think it’s disgusting that McDonald’s allows to have the chickens’ throats slit or to scald them alive,” Huling said. “All we’re looking for is a merciful way to handle this problem.”
“There is no conclusive scientific consensus that one practice is better than the other, however, we recognize that in either method, good management practices are critical,” Langert said about their use of stunning.