Spike Lee's “Chiraq” Movie Holds Open Casting Call for Extras

Casting call for controversial film is only open to Illinois residents

Spike Lee is moving ahead with plans for a controversial film about Chicago named “Chiraq.” NBC Chicago’s Allison Rosati has more.

Ever dreamed of being in a Spike Lee film? Now’s your chance.

An open casting call in search of extras for Lee’s already controversial film “Chiraq” will be held from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday at St. Sabina Academy in the Gresham neighborhood.

4 Star Casting, the Chicago-based casting agency being used for the film, posted to the movie's Facebook page that filming will potentially take place May 19 through July 10. The casting agency says hundreds of Chicago locals will be hired to work as extras.

The casting call for the film aimed at documenting violence in the Englewood neighborhood is limited to Illinois residents. Males and females of all ethnicities who are 7-75 years old and have flexible schedules are preferred. 

Participants ages 16 years and older need to bring a valid Illinois-issued driver’s license or state ID, which will be checked before entering the premises. Children 15 and under will be given paperwork to obtain a work permit.

Participants are also asked to bring a candid photo of themselves to the casting with their name, phone number and email address printed on the back.

Lee has recently scouted locations in the city for his new project. The filmmaker is reportedly in talks to bring several big-name stars on board with ties to Chicago such as Kanye West, Common, Jeremy Piven and Samuel L. Jackson.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel expressed his disapproval of Lee’s “Chiraq” film during a City Council meeting last month. The mayor said he spoke with Lee and told him that while he does not oppose the film itself, he opposes the title due to its characterization of the city as a war zone.

Details on the film’s plot have not yet been released, but Emanuel said Lee told him he wants to focus on “black-on-black violence,” particularly among African-American men. Jeff Bezo’s Amazon-launched AmazonStudios is set to produce the film.

For more information on casting, visit the Facebook page for Lee’s movie.

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