5-Year-Old Boy Battling Cancer Asks for Christmas Cards

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A 5-year-old boy who is battling cancer loves nothing more than getting cards in the mail addressed to him, especially for Christmas. Now his mother is hoping the kindness of strangers can help make the holidays extra special.

A young boy with cancer has a simple wish this Christmas.

Hayden Drake, of Greenville, North Carolina, has been battling leukemia as well as the effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments since earlier this year. 

To make the holidays extra special, Hayden is asking for one thing: as many Christmas cards as possible.

The 5-year-old gets so excited to see new cards with his name on them in the mailbox that his mother, Summery Avery, says he even does a little “happy dance” when he receives one.

"Yesterday, he got five cards in the mail and he does this little happy dance and he was doing the happy dance the whole time he was reading the cards," Avery said. 

Hayden is in remission from his cancer, but will need treatments for the next three years.

Christmas cards for Hayden be sent to the following address:

Hayden Drake
1637 Lum Buck Road
Greenville, NC 27858

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