Chicago's Top Cop Recommends 7 Officers in Laquan McDonald Shooting be Fired

The report initially recommended 10 officers be fired or severely disciplined in the case.


Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson is recommending seven Chicago police officers involved in the Laquan McDonald shooting be fired following a report from the Inspector General’s office.

“The Department and its outside counsel have carefully reviewed the reports and supporting documents, videos, and other evidence and will accept the OIG’s recommendation to submit seven of the officers to the Police Board for separation based upon Rule 14 allegations outlined in the OIG’s report,” Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said in a statement. “The officers have been relieved of their police powers prior to the determination of the Police Board. Two of the officers cited in the report have since retired.”

The report initially recommended 10 officers be fired or severely disciplined in the case.

The officers' names have not been released, but two high-ranking officers retired earlier this week. Those officers include First Deputy Superintendent John Escalante, who accepted a position as the chief of police for Northeastern Illinois University, and Deputy Chief David McNaughton.

Top Cop Recommends 7 Officers in McDonald Shooting be Fired

McNaughton is the Chicago Police officer who signed off on the report that initially cleared Officer Jason Van Dyke in McDonald's shooting.

As for the tenth office, the department said it “respectfully disagrees with the OIG’s recommendation for separation and feels that there is insufficient ecidence to prove those respective allegations.” 

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"I appreciate Supt. Johnson's thoughtful review of the Inspector General's report, and I fully support his decisions," Mayor Rahm Emanuel said in a statement. "As the city takes these important steps to hold individuals accountable, we must also recommit ourselves to partnering together to rebuild trust between our police department and our residents. As Chicagoans who love this city, we must continue to work together to build that brighter tomorrow for everyone."

Seventeen-year-old McDonald was shot 16 times by Van Dyke in 2014. Footage of the shooting was made public late last year and sparked outrage nationwide.

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