With a dining room as eclectic and one-of-a-kind as the menu, Ruxbin is a new neighborhood gem in Noble Square. Co-owner and chef Edward Kim infuses the cuisine with a worldly range of culinary influences, serving everything from empanadas with a Korean twist to crispy…
The presidential nominees sparred for 99 minutes in their first presidential debate held at Hofstra University Monday night.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton tackled the economy, ISIS, taxes and the president's birth status. They also took jabs at one another, and plenty of them.
"I have a feeling by the end of this debate I'm going to be blamed for everything that's ever happened," Clinton joked.
Clinton noted that cyber security attacks were a concern, and the United States should be wary of Russia, and noted that "Donald is very praiseworthy of Vladimir Putin."
Trump said he'd release his tax returns once Clinton provided the 33,000 emails she deleted, and that his temperment was his best asset.
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U.S. & World
The top three issues posted to Facebook by 18- to 34 year-olds during the night were ISIS, racism and discrimination and crime and criminal justice, according to Facebook.
#TrumpSniffles began showing up on Twitter timelines in response to Trump appearing to sniffle throughout the debate.
Social media users shared a breadth of reaction as Lester Holt of NBC News moderated the debate.