Can Donald Trump bring his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, into the White House? And could Kushner get a security clearance?
The answers, according to several legal experts, are yes and yes.
A source close to Kushner told NBC News late Wednesday that he was considering whether to serve in the White House in a role along the lines of a special adviser or special counsel after being approached by Trump's Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Chief Strategist Steve Bannon.
Once Trump is in the White House, there are options for getting Kushner a clearance in order to be an adviser.
The president has wide latitude in designating people for clearances.
For example, Trump could appoint Kushner to the President's Intelligence Oversight Board, which is made up of civilians from outside the government.
Another option would be for Trump to put Kushner into a paid position on the White House staff, according to several legal experts, who say the federal anti-nepotism law would probably not prevent it.
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While that law does cover a son-in-law, it prohibits a public official, which the president is, from appointing a relative to a federal agency.