The rank and file of the Chicago Teachers Union have overwhelmingly ratified the new contract put before them on Tuesday.
“This shows overwhelming recognition by our members that this contract represents a victory for students, communities and our profession,” CTU President Karen Lewis said. “Our members are coming are coming out of this with an even greater appreciation for the continued fight for public education. We thank our parents for standing with their children’s teachers, paraprofessionals and clinicians.”
A statement from the CTU said 20,765 valid ballots were cast, with 79.1 percent of the votes from teachers, paraprofessionals and school clinicians approving the contract.
Members of the Chicago Board of Education must also vote approve the contract before it becomes effective.
That vote is expected Oct. 17, and approval seems likely.
"I am pleased that the members of the CTU have ratified this contract, and we can now demonstrate to our students that even when two sides start far apart, they can find common ground and reach a resolution. It’s an incredibly important message to send," Chicago Board of Education President David Vitale said in a statement.
Thousands of teachers in the nation's third-largest school district walked off the job on Sept. 10 after more than a year of slow, contentious negotiations over salary, health benefits and job security.
Students were kept out of classes for seven days before CTU's members voted to end the work stoppage.
Details of the proposed agreement: