University Accidentally Gives Entire Student Body the Boot

An email told thousands of students they had been kicked out for poor grades

Thousands of college students got a rude awakening when they were unceremoniously, and erroneously, kicked out of a Michigan university.

The culprit: An email glitch.

Eastern Michigan University meant to give just 100-odd students the boot for poor grades — but the entire student body got the bad news in their inboxes Friday.

"As a result of your Winter 2012 academic performance, you have been dismissed from Eastern Michigan University," the mass email from the academic advising office began.

Once the school realized its error, it scrambled to reassure all the panicked students — and, in some cases, graduates — who had received the email.

"This was a terrible mistake and we know it caused undue concern for many," a spokesman for the school wrote Saturday in an email to students.

He confirmed that an "operational error," not a security breach or hacking, was responsible for the email and that the whole student body received it.

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