A voting machine problem has halted the ballot count Tuesday in DuPage County, officials said.
It was unclear as to how long it might take to finish counting the ballots or get the problem fixed, which the county said involved memory cards in voting machines. Citing anonymous sources, the Daily Herald reported that hundreds of voting machines were brought in from around the county to the election commission office in Wheaton.
"I have been in contact with the DuPage Election Commission and am assured your voting results are secure and forthcoming," DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin said on Facebook. "However, the commission has failed the voters of DuPage once again with their inability to provide timely election results. This is not acceptable."
The integrity of the memory cards and the votes casts were not compromised as a result of the delay in uploading the March 20, 2018 General Primary Election results, officials said.
“The Election Commission apologizes for the delay in reporting tonight’s election results,” the county said in a statement.