Donald Trump

Democratic Candidates for Illinois' 6th District Speak at Forum

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Both taxes and health care were two of the main topics at the first forum of all seven candidates running for the Democratic nomination to unseat Rep. Peter Roskam.

The election of Democrat Doug Jones over Republican Roy Moore to represent Alabama in the U.S. Senate Tuesday night has raised new questions about whether Congress will try, or be able, to pass the GOP tax reform bill before the end of the year. 

That issue is at the core of the upcoming election in Illinois’ 6th Congressional district, in Chicago’s western suburbs. Both taxes and health care were two of the main topics at the first forum of all seven candidates running for the Democratic nomination. [[457446103, C]]

More than 800 people attended the event Tuesday night, held at Glenbard North High School with the school’s Civics Club playing a key role and providing several of the questions. 

The five women and two men vying to unseat incumbent Rep. Peter Roskam in November 2018 are from Naperville, Carol Stream, Barrington and other western suburbs. [[441784943, C]]

The race is one of the most contentious and most watched in the country, Democratic political action committees have targeted Roskam.

While the 6th District traditionally trends Republican, several national Congressional ratings have labeled the contest a “toss-up” in recent months.

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