Jeanne Ives Wins Notable Endorsement in Republican Governor's Race

It’s been a good week for State Rep. Jeanne Ives, as she picked up another endorsement in her campaign to unseat Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner.

In a tweet, Ives announced that she had won the endorsement of the Wheeling Republican Party in landslide fashion, winning 90 percent of the vote on Saturday.

According to Ives, there were more Republican votes cast in Wheeling Township alone than in a staggering 89 of Illinois’ 102 counties during the 2014 primary season.

Her victory comes just days after the Chicago Republican Party handed her an overwhelming victory in a straw poll. Ives beat Rauner 17-3 in that vote, which was conducted by the party’s Central Committee in Chicago.

Here's Who's Running for Governor of Illinois

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Meanwhile, Rauner has had an eventful week of his own, spending several days at a downstate veterans’ home after Legionnaires’ outbreaks killed 13 people over several years. The governor also began running a new campaign ad against presumed Democratic gubernatorial frontrunner J.B. Pritzker, featuring conversations between Pritzker and then-Governor Rod Blagojevich, recorded while the FBI was investigating the former governor.

There are still no scheduled debates between Ives and Rauner before the Republican primary, which will take place on Mar. 20. 

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