ABC's "Good Morning America" co-anchor Lara Spencer apologized Friday after outrage erupted on social media when she mocked and laughed at the inclusion of ballet in 6-year-old Prince George's upcoming school year curriculum.
During a Thursday "Hot News" segment on the morning show, Spencer listed off what the royal prince would be studying when he goes back to school in the fall.
"In addition to the usual first or second grade things, like math, science and history, the future King of England will be putting down the Play-Doh to take on religious studies, computer programming, poetry and ballet, among other things," she said.
Her emphasis on the word "ballet" was met with raucous laughter from the studio audience, NBC News reported.
"You couldn’t contain ... oh, he looks so happy about the ballet class,” Spencer said laughing, as a picture of Prince George smiling ear-to-ear in while wearing a soccer jersey appeared on screen.