Go Holiday Shopping with Blago

Scandal gooses novelty industry

At least Rod Blagojevich is doing his part to revive the economy. T-shirts, bumper stickers, coffee mugs and other novelty items featuring our irascible governor might be even hotter items right now than all things Obama.

Via CafePress:

Item: "Would You Buy A Used Senate Seat From This Man"
Price: $34.99 junior hoodie; $23.99 baseball jersey

Item: "My Senator Paid More For His Seat Than Yours Did"
Price: $15.99 t-shirt

Item: "I Did Not Have Relations With That Governor" (over Obama logo)
Price: $4.74 per bumper sticker; $116.99 for a 50 pack

Item: "I Gave Governor Blagojevich A Bribe And All I Got Was This Lousy [Expletive Deleted] T-Shirt"
Price: $18.60 spaghetti tank

Item: "Buck Flagojevich"
Price: $20.39 golf shirt; $28.79 maternity t-shirt; $17.99 BBQ apron; $13.19 wall clock

Meanwhile, there is residual memorabilia. For example, "I Am Candidate 5" and "Jackson 5" t-shirts, as well as "Sarah Palin for Governor."

The rest of the Internet is filling up with Blagojevich novelties as well; UPI reports that a seller on eBay is offering "Blagojevich's governor's seat - aka a toilet seat selling for a cool million." No bidders so far.

And here's Rod's signature on a baseball on Flickr.

Perhaps the state and city tourism bureaus should just bite the bullet and jump into the game. Not only would it bring a measure of reality to marketing our city and state, it could direct some money back to the taxpayers where it belongs.

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