Pilgrim Baptist Announces Renovation Plans

Photo by The New No. 2

The Pilgrim Baptist Church, which was gutted by a fire in 2006, has announced plans to rebuild. The church was housed in a historic building designed by Adler & Sullivan and built in 1891, so architectural buffs are interested in its renovation as well. The current price tag of their plan is expected to be $37 million, an insane amount of money to raise, but they are certainly going to try:

Brenda Asare, who will lead the fundraising efforts, said she hopes to collect 75 percent of the $37 million from donors who contribute $100,000 or more. Asare, senior vice president and Midwest division manager for The Alford Group, a consulting company for non-profits, said the recent economic downturn will make her job tough.

You might recall that shortly after the fire our illustrious Governor Blagojevich tried to throw a million dollars the church's way with a questionably unconstitutional promise, but in a surprise to oh, nobody, the donation became mired in controversy and finger pointing when the cash went to the Loop Lab School instead. The school had previously rented space from the church. Blago, apparently not having learned his lesson, pledged another million to Pilgrim last July. [Trib]

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