“I told you, I'm on vacation!”

Can you tell it's that time of year? Rob? Gone. Andy? Gone. Kim? Scheduled to be gone Thursday and Friday. So as a result, the return of Ricardo Johnson, and Ginger Zee.

Dick's up to his old tricks, trying to sabatoge the chat room. Well, no not really, but he pointed out that "it's just a bunch of ladies telling Matt he's cute." Come on now! We're more than that. We talk issues. We talk about sports. We talk about politics. We even talk traffic and why it stinks all the time. I'm not just a one-trick pony, basking in the glow of compliments showered upon me by Chicago's finest ladies. (besides, he forgot about all the guys complementing on my suits in the morning)

Ginger is her usual self, fun and vibrant. But we haven't been graced with her presence in the chat room just yet. I'm thinking she's either too busy with the weather computers or figuring out why Jermaine Dye has been so hot at the plate lately for the White Sox (and he has been, did you see what he did on that road trip??)

Either way, she's giving us a crappy forecast with the rain and cold but it's not her fault. Don't blame the meteorologists for the "blah" days we've had lately or the overnight lows in the 40's. (You also never give them credit when they get it right like Sunday.)

**Speaking of Sunday, I was rolling around town in a friends drop top (that's what the kids call a convertible these days). What a gorgeous day to take a trip up Lake Shore Drive. However that seems like an eternity now. Tomorrow's high: 60 ugh

The last few days have been ugly on the roads. The rain has played a big part as to why the travel times have been high, but also the economy plays a role. Even though some of us have left town, most people are not and combined with parents heading to the city with the kids now that they are out of school. You may notice the afternoons could be especially bad here in the Great Midwest this summer.

**I-94 up north is about to get a lot worse. Westbound lanes (or North up to Milwaukee) will be down to two lanes only from Russell Road near the stateline to HWY 50 in Kenosha. The bottleneck to get out of Illinois won't be fun. Sheridan Road might be your only alternative in the area, and it's not a good one. So have fun with that Sox fans, Brewers fans, and Summerfest concert goers.

**Finally, I'm going to San Diego in 10 days, what should I do when I get there?

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