Cut Copy Return To Chicago

Last summer, after major delays on their flight from Australia, Cut Copy arrived late for their Sunday night headlining spot at Pitchfork Music Festival. Once they finally got to Union Park, they quickly unpacked their gear and were able to play for 20 minutes before the City's outdoor silence ordinance went into effect. And what a 20 minutes it was. Dancing, fist pumping, and "lights & music"--they packed the amount of energy into that mini-set that you would expect from a full length show. It left me wondering, though, whether the group could match that vivacity for an entire show, minus the dramatic circumstances. The answer was yes. Last September they played the Metro and killed it. Laser lights of every color of the fluorescent rainbow hit the crowd as they played track after track of 80's influenced electropop.

Cut Copy's newest album, In Ghost Colours, received much praise and landed on many of '08's Best Albums lists. Tonight they return to Chicago, this time gracing the stage at The Vic, but alas, this show is sold out (like most of the rest of the dates on their tour). Also playing tonight are the twee-fueled duo Matt & Kim. The Vic Theater is located at 3145 N. Sheffield. The show starts at 7:30pm. 18 & up.

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