Last Minute Free Show Announcement

If you're not able to make it out to Margot & the Nuclear So and So's headlining gig at the Metro next Wednesday, you are in luck! Tonight, Richard Edwards and select other members of the band will be doing an intimate acoustic performance at Inconvenience Art Space. Whispertown 2000, who you may remember opening for such acts as Rilo Kiley, Bright Eyes, and The Elected, will also be performing. (A little bit of trivia: The Morgan sung about in Rilo Kiley's "The Absence of God" and "Papillon" is none other than Morgan Nagler, lead singer of Whispertown 2000 and best friend of Jenny Lewis.) Jake Bellows of Neva Dinova will be opening the night.

Catch all three acts tonight for free at Inconvenience Art Space, 3036 N. Lincoln Ave. The show is all ages and free, though donations to the touring band are welcome. Make haste! It all starts at 7 pm tonight.

Photo taken from the Margot & the Nuclear So and So's MySpace.

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