coronavirus illinois

Illinois Coronavirus Cases Climb Near 80,000 as Deaths Reach 3,459

Illinois is currently in its seventh week of a statewide stay-at-home order and in the second phase of a five-stage reopening plan

NBCUniversal, Inc.

May 11 briefing: Gov. J.B. Pritzker delivered his daily coronavirus press briefing from home as he and his employees remain in self-isolation after a senior staffer tested positive for coronavirus while asymptomatic last week.

Illinois officials reported 1,266 new cases of coronavirus Monday, lifting the statewide total to near 80,000.

As of Monday, the state reported 79,007 confirmed infections since the pandemic first began.

Health officials also reported an additional 54 fatalities, which bring the state's death toll to 3,459.

May 11 briefing: Dr. Ngozi Ezike reveals how Illinois’ first shipment of a drug called remdesivir, which is being used to help treat hospitalized coronavirus patients, will be distributed. The Food and Drug Administration recently cleared Gilead Science’s intravenous drug for hospitalized patients with “severe disease,” such as those experiencing breathing problems requiring supplemental oxygen or ventilators.

According to officials, the state returned 12,441 test results Monday, with a positivity rate of just over 10 percent, the lowest single day rate since March 27. That number brings the state's total number of tests performed to 442,425, with a 17.86 percent positivity rate overall, the lowest rate since April 2.

That rate has been declining since spiking to a high of 21.36 percent on April 22.

Still, Pritzker revealed Monday that the state may not reach a coronavirus peak until mid-June, according to new projections.

Illinois is currently in its seventh week of a statewide stay-at-home order and in the second phase of a five-stage reopening plan. The state remains under a stay-at-home order until May 30, though some regions may begin lifting additional restrictions as early as May 29.

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