coronavirus illinois

Illinois Reports 1,656 New Cases of Coronavirus, 57 Additional Deaths

Norwegian Hospital nurses perform one of the first half dozen coronavirus tests on site in Chicago’s Humboldt Park neighborhood on Tuesday, April 28, 2020. (Abel Uribe/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

Illinois officials reported 1,656 new cases of coronavirus on Sunday, along with 57 additional deaths as a result of the virus.

In all, Illinois has now reported 77,741 cases of the virus since the pandemic began, according to figures available from the state's Department of Public Health.

Sunday's additional deaths bring the state's death toll to 3,406.

According to officials, the state returned 13,653 test results on Sunday, with a 12.13 percent positivity rate. That number brings the state's total number of tests performed to 429,984, with a 18.08 percent positivity rate since the pandemic began.

That rate has been declining since spiking to a high of 21.36 percent on April 22nd.

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