Now to the Illinois governor’s race, as Democrats JB Pritzker and Chris Kennedy file their petitions to get on the ballot, they also release their 2016 tax returns. Pritizker’s income far exceeds Kennedy’s, but the information released lacks details. NBC 5 political reporter Mary Ann Ahern reports.
Democratic candidates for governor JB Pritzker and Chris Kennedy released their income taxes last week, but opponent State Sen. Daniel Biss claims Pritzker's information falls far short of explaining his $3.6 billion fortune.
Biss has released a new web ad that shows Pritzker criticizing President Donald Trump for failing to release his taxes.
As Pritzker notes, "the question is who his investors are" and Biss has the same question for Pritzker.
The Biss campaign notes Pritzker has not released the income from his family trust, as a member of the Hyatt Hotel chain, "so we have no idea how much he's making and who's paying him."
"In addition to releasing his personal tax returns, the total taxes paid by trusts benefitting JB, charitable contributions made personally and by his foundation, JB also filed a detailed Statement of Economic Interest that lists personal investments and assets as well as those held by trusts benefitting him," a spokeswoman for Pritzker said in a statement. "JB is focused on beating Bruce Rauner and laying out his plans to repair the damage done by this failed governor."
Releasing income taxes is not a requirement, but those running for statewide public office have done so in the past.
Pritzker's 2016 tax returns show his income was $15 million. Kennedy's tax returns for last year sit at $1.2 million.
Biss, who filed his last April, had an income of $33,000. Gov. Rauner has reported his income last year as $91 million.