‘Adam Toledo Was Loved:' CTU Releases Statement Following Shooting Video Release

"Love your children," the statement read from the union read in part. "Love your communities. Love yourselves."

NBCUniversal Media, LLC

The Chicago Teachers Union released a statement wishing Adam Toledo's family comfort and healing in the hours following the release of body camera footage of a Chicago police officer shooting and killing the 13-year-old.

"Adam Toledo was loved," the statement from Thursday read. "He was one of ours, and we are keeping his memory and his Gary Elementary School family in our hearts, along with his mother, family and the people of Little Village. We wish them healing and comfort right now. Love your children. Love your communities. Love yourselves."

The Civilian Office of Police Accountability - Chicago's police oversight agency - made videos of the shooting public two days after Adam's family was shown footage of the March 29 incident in Little Village.

Body camera footage shows Adam running from a Chicago police officer down an alley. Adam starts to turn toward the officer, and is in the process of putting his hands up when the officer fires his weapon once, striking the teen in the chest.

It did not appear that Adam was holding a weapon when he was shot. A weapon was found behind a fence shortly after he was shot, according to the video.

Following the video's release, protesters voiced outrage in demonstrations across the city, with many calling for charges to be filed against the officer who shot and killed the teen.

An attorney for the Toledo family said that the video showed Adam did not have a gun at the moment the officer shot him.

COPA is leading the investigation into the shooting, and the officer has been placed on administrative duties for 30 days in accordance with Chicago Police Department policy.

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