Chicago Beaches Officially Open Friday

Beach season runs May 23-Sept. 1

Break out the sunscreen and the teeny-weeny bikinis because beach season is upon us in Chicago.

The Chicago Park District's 24 beaches officially open Friday at 11 a.m. for the 2014 season, and will remain open through Sept. 1.

City officials are encouraging swimmers to monitor the flag notification color system to determine whether it's safe to go in the water.

  • Green - Swimming is permitted. Weather conditions are fair and water quality is good.
  • Yellow - Swimming is permitted, but caution is advised. Weather conditions are unpredictable or bacteria levels are higher than the water quality criteria set by EPA for notifying the public.
  • Red - Swimming is not permitted. Weather conditions are dangerous or water quality conditions are dangerous.

Swimming is only allowed at the beaches when lifeguards are present.

Updated information on the status of each beach can be found on the hotline at 312-74-BEACH.

The Chicago Park District's outdoor pools open for the season on June 13.

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