The Chicago Police Department convened an international summit on crime Thursday, bringing more than 200 officers from around the world together.
The two-day conference, held at CPD headquarters in Bronzeville, is hosted by CPD, the University of Chicago Crime Lab and the Chicago Police Foundation.
The event is combined with the U.S. Department of Justice's public safety partnership summit, CPD said in a statement, bringing law enforcement experts and federal prosecutors from 30 different cities to Chicago to examine CPD's progress over the last two years in using technology to reduce violence.
More than 200 high-ranking officers from places including Ireland, London, New York City, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Las Vegas, Memphis, St. Louis and Milwaukee will gather to learn about Chicago's policing techniques, CPD said.
Those techniques include shotspotter - a sonar and camera placed on utility poles that detects gun shots and alerts officers - plus mobile technology in the field and high-definition digital cameras.
Chicago police said these tools have helped reduce response times as well as violent crime overall.