Chicago Public Schools

Chicago Teachers Strike: What We Know About the Tentative Agreement

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CTU President Jesse Sharkey reveals why he declined to come out and speak with the mayor after reaching an agreement.

After months of negotiations, the Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools have given a first glimpse of a tentative agreement to end the more than two week-long strike. 

The exact details of the deal have remained under wraps as the strike continues, though both sides shared a few highlights in recent days. So what do we know?

CTU has said on several occasions that the major issues at the center of the strike were class sizes and staffing. Both the union and the district highlighted those areas in the most recent offer.

Both CTU and CPS said the district would dedicate $2.5 million in recruitment and training programs for clinicians, as well as $2 million in tuition and licensure for nurses.

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The district will also make "increased investments in 'grow your own' teacher pipeline programs and 50 percent tuition reimbursement for English language and bilingual endorsement programs," both CTU and CPS said.

CTU said early Thursday that the agreement included a nurse and a social worker in every school community every day, a demand that the union placed at the center of the strike.

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CPS also committed $35 million annually to reduce oversized K-12 classrooms, the union said, with a priority on schools with "the most vulnerable students." That figure is more than five times the $6 million that was previously committed to oversized classroom relief in the previous contract, according to CTU.

The union touted "unprecedented enforcement mechanisms" for class sizes, including what the district called a joint CTU/CPS council with "enforcement authority" that investigates instances of oversized classrooms and makes changes to remedy the situation.

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The union also said the hard cap on class sizes was "automatically triggered" in the tentative agreement - meaning any time a class goes over the limit by a set amount (differing based on grade level), that class would automatically be referred to the joint committee, with relief mandated in the contract.

The offer also includes a 33% increase in annual funding for the district's sports committee, bringing the budget up to $5 each year for increases to coaching stipends as well as new athletic equipment and resources.

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The length of the contract - another sticking point, as the union said they wanted three years, while Mayor Lori Lightfoot wanted five - landed on five years, per a Tuesday release from CPS on its latest offer.

Compensation was one area where the terms of the deal appear to not have moved much, staying at an average 16% increase over the life of the contract.

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Paraprofessionals and school-related personnel (PSRPs) will see an average raise of nearly 40% over the course of the contract - an issue the union highlighted throughout negotiations as necessary, saying that two-thirds of CPS' PSRPs made wages below the federal poverty line.

More than 25,000 teachers and support staff in CTU, as well as roughly 7,500 school employees in Service Employees International Union Local 73, went on strike Oct. 17, canceling school for more than 300,000 students in the country's third-largest school district. SEIU announced Wednesday that it approved an agreement with the district, but that its members would remain on the picket lines with CTU until the strike was over.

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The strike came to an end Thursday when both sides announced they had reached a deal on a return-to-work agreement with the final sticking point being whether or not Chicago Public Schools would make up missed instructional days. The two sides settled on making up five of the 11 missed days and students will return to classrooms Friday. 

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