Food & Drink

Church gives away hundreds of boxes of food to combat food insecurity in Chicago area

"People  that are coming out need it or they would not be here. If everybody would do a little bit, nobody will be without.”

NBC Universal, Inc.

They came by foot and they came by car to St. Sabina Church where more than 400 boxes filled with produce, protein and pasta were given away in an effort to combat food insecurity in the city.

“There is a huge need for food, it is a food desert out here,” said Father Michael Pfleger of St. Sabina Church. “People that are coming out need it or they would not be here. If everybody would do a little bit, nobody will be without.”

Sue Armato is the CEO of the West Suburban Community Pantry in Woodridge, and says that people would be stunned at how prevalent food insecurity is.

“It's staggering how many people are struggling just for the basic human need of food,” she said. “So we're in a pretty rough time and so far this year looking at our numbers comparing May of this year to last year, we're at a 67% increase this year.”

The pantry has a grocery store where people come in and pick out what they want.

Armato says there are three things people can do right now to ensure this pantry and others continue helping those in need.

They are: Buy extra food to donate– if you can afford it, volunteer or make a monetary donation.

“For every dollar that you give us, because the way we can procure and find food, we can provide two meals from every single dollar,” she said.

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