lake shore drive

City to Restore Vehicle Access From Lower Lake Shore Drive to Navy Pier

The Chicago Department of Transportation announced Friday that construction on the Navy Pier Flyover project will cross a new milestone Monday, allowing vehicles to access the Navy Pier Area from Lower Lake Shore Drive.

Northbound vehicles on Lower Lake Shore Drive over the Chicago River will be able to access Navy Pier along with Illinois Street and Grand Avenue, CDOT said in a statement.

Work to open the route should be finished by Monday afternoon, CDOT said.

The Navy Pier Flyover project, which was initially slated for completion in 2018, is in its “third and final phase” and should be done by April, CDOT said.

The project aims to “provide a much-improved experience for users of the Lakefront Trail by carrying pedestrians, runners and cyclists over Grand and Illinois streets,” CDOT said.

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