Soldier Field

Coldplay, H.E.R. Head to Soldier Field Memorial Day Weekend on World Tour

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Coldplay is sure to bring some sparks to Chicago this weekend.

The band is set to take on Soldier Field both Saturday and Sunday at 7 p.m., accompanied by openers H.E.R. and Drama.

Gates open for the Music of the Spheres World Tour at 5 p.m., and the concert is expected to run until about 11:30 p.m.

The performance should feature hits like "Viva La Vida," "Clocks," "The Scientist" and "A Sky Full of Stars," among others.

"Concert goers are encouraged to take public transportation, but if driving, it’s encouraged to use I-55NB/SB to get to Soldier Field," Chicago's Office of Emergency Management and Communications said in a statement.

OEMC also warned to expect heavy traffic and delays as a result of the concert, as well as other Memorial Day Weekend activities.

Purchase tickets here.

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