NBC 5’s Pete Sack has the latest weather forecast.
Waves 8 to 12 feet high are possible along Lake Michigan on Saturday, according to a Lakeshore Flood Warning from the National Weather Service.
Gale force winds and very hazardous waves are forecast for Cook County late Saturday morning through the evening, the weather service said. Minor flooding along lakeshore paths is also possible.
Residents were warned to avoid flood-prone areas on the lake such as piers, jetties and breakwalls.
The weather service predicted a 100 percent chance of rain Saturday with a chance of thunderstorms. There is also an elevated fog risk.
“Rainfall, combined with some snow melt where snow pack exists, may lead to rises in rivers and creeks and potentially some flooding of low spots this weekend,” the weather service said in its warning.
“A few storms could be strong-to-severe mainly south of the Interstate 80 corridor Saturday afternoon into the early evening,” according to the weather service.
The forecast calls for temperature highs to remain in the 40s before falling in to the 30s on Monday.