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Dennis Rodman Surprises Drag Show Performer With $100 Tip

While this was the first time Rodman attended Gato's drag performance, he's a well-known ally of the LGBTQ-plus community

A Chicago drag performer's recent performance was anything but routine - thanks to Chicago Bulls legend Dennis Rodman.

Drag performer Ari Gato has co-hosted the weekly Roscoe's Drag Race competition at Roscoe's Tavern, 3356 N. Halsted St., for about a year now. On Tuesday, Gato showed up for their show - like usual - and was getting ready when their staff approached.

They informed Gato that Dennis Rodman was at the establishment, and that he wanted to stick around and see the show. Gato didn't believe it at first - until they saw Rodman, just waiting around for the performance to begin.

A few hours later, the show began with Gato quoting Katy Perry, saying, "A wise one once said to me, make it like your birthday everyday." They continued with their usual bit, informing the crowd it was their birthday, asking for everyone to tip a little bit extra.

Continuing the birthday theme, Gato said, "My friend Dennis Rodman is here. He said he's going to give me $100 for my birthday."

They weren't actually serious, though.

"We’re all laughing and cheering because obviously I made that up, it was totally not real," Gato said.

As the laughs continued, Rodman walked to the front of the stage and handed the performer $100.

"He was so kind and so wonderful," they recounted. "I kind of went on the mic and was like you know, Dennis Rodman, I just want to thank you for being who you are and expressing yourself the way you always have."

For Gato, who grew up in Texas, Rodman is someone they actually became familiar with during childhood as their parents were huge Bulls fans.

"Having a figure like that in the public eye who’s always outspoken, who's always eccentric and out there, having him be somebody that my parents revered helped me to be able to express myself in anyway I wanted to without so much judgment," the performer said.

While this was the first time Rodman showed up at Gato's performance, he's a well-known ally of the LGBTQ-plus community and has attended other drag shows across the country.

"I think its very very important and awesome to have a vocal and present ally in the community to say hey, these people are awesome and amazing and they’re valid and should be able to have fun and express themselves...and be supported in that," Gato added. "Especially coming for someone in the Black community, for me that’s huge. And I know for other people that will be huge."

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