Denny's has jumped on the "peace burger" bandwagon after fast-food chain Burger King extended a peace offer to McDonald's to create a "McWhopper" last week.
The fast casual restaurant took out full-page advertisements in USA Today and The New York Times to show off their version of a mash-up between Denny's and Burger King, according to USA Today. The advertisement features a massive burger with some extra toppings and a peace flag sticking out of the bun.
Denny's tweeted a photo of their "peace burger" Thursday, showing a classic Burger King Whopper with ingredients from the Denny's Slammer, including a fried egg, bacon and hash browns. The chain has not decided on a name for the proposed burger, but it tossed out a few ideas, such as "Whoppaslam," "The Slopper," "The Slamopper" and "Whoppaslamus-rex."
hey @burgerking how about a Slampper© or a Whammper© or a Whoppaslamus-rex© or something? — Denny's (@DennysDiner) August 27, 2015
The new advertisement debuted Monday, less than a week after Burger King proposed the "McWhopper" to celebrate the International Day of Peace on Sept. 21. The full-page Burger King advertisement appeared in The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune.
Burger King said it wanted to serve the "McWhopper" for a single day at a pop-up location in Atlanta, which is midway between the headquarters for both chains.
The "McWhopper" would include elements of both the Big Mac and the Whopper, including the flame-broiled beef patty and a middle bun, according to a website Burger King set up.
McDonald's, however, declined the offer.
In a comment posted on its Facebook page, McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook said the proposal was inspiration for a good cause, then took a dig at the ploy by Burger King.
"Let's acknowledge that between us there is simply a friendly business competition and certainly not the unequaled circumstances of the real pain and suffering of war," Easterbrook said.
He added "P.S. A simple phone call will do next time."