Real Rahm Emanuel and Fake Rahm Emanuel met again Tuesday evening, this time at an event where the latter was promoting his book lampooning the former.
The mayor showed up at The Hideout, at 1354 W. Wabansia Ave., where Dan Sinker was touting "The F***ing Epic Twitter Quest of @MayorEmanuel."
Emanuel signed books, talked to patrons, joked with the owners and left about an hour into the 6 p.m. event, according to people who were there.
The mayor -- on Twitter as @RahmEmanuel -- retweeted a photo of him and Sinker at the event.
Sinker, a journalism professor at Columbia College, anonymously adopted the @MayorEmanuel Twitter handle during the race for mayor's race and flooded with stream with Tweets as though they were from Emanuel's own mind.
His book contains all of the @MayorEmanuel tweets, comments from the author explaining his jokes and a forword by Twitter's co-founder, Biz Stone.
Sinker didn't reveal himself as the account's author until after the election and after amassing more than 40,000 followers on the account.
The pair met just days after Sinker outed himself through The Atlantic magazine in March.
During that WLS-AM appearance, $12,000 was donated to Young Chicago Authors, an after-school program for Chicago Public Schools.
More than a year before the @MayorEmanuel account was created, Sinker was mentioned in another NBC Chicago report about his creation, a mobile site that offers short stories on a mobile device.