Gov. Rauner Pardons Man Found Innocent of 1999 Box Cutter Attack in Chicago

The man testified at his trial that he was threatened with beating and denied needed medication unless he confessed

Gov. Bruce Rauner pardoned a man who spent seven years in prison but was later judged innocent of attempted murder.

Rauner on Wednesday pardoned Robert Wilson. The 60-year-old Wilson was convicted in December 1999 for using a box cutter to slash the face and neck of a woman at a Chicago bus stop.

Wilson testified at his trial that he was threatened with beating and denied needed medication unless he confessed.

A federal judge ruled in 2007 that testimony should have been allowed about a man accused of other slashing incidents in the area. The victim who accused Wilson then declared she was no longer sure he was her attacker and a judge vacated Wilson's conviction in December 2006.

Rauner granted 10 and denied 200 clemency petitions Wednesday.

Copyright The Associated Press
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