
Illinois Lawmakers Approve $50.5 Billion Budget and Await Gov. Pritzker's Signature

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Illinois lawmakers finally approved a new state budget early Saturday, sending it to Democratic Gov. JB Pritzker for his signature with just over a month to spare before it takes effect with the new state fiscal year July 1.

The Illinois House approved the $50.5 billion spending plan on a 73-38 vote just after 2:30 a.m. Saturday after it passed the Illinois Senate 34-22 early Friday.

The General Assembly delivered the budget to Pritzker more than a week late after lawmakers failed to meet a self-imposed May 19 deadline to adjourn despite Democrats controlling both chambers.

The budget makes “transformative investments” in early childhood and higher education, public safety, workforce development and mental health services, Pritzker said in announcing a budget agreement earlier in the week.

After the passage, Pritzker issued a statement saying "this budget reaffirms our shared commitment to fiscal responsibility while making transformative investments in the children and families of Illinois that will be felt for years to come.

"I look forward to signing this budget making childcare and education more accessible, healthcare more affordable, and our state’s business and economic position even stronger,” the governor's statement said.

House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch tweeted Saturday that “with this budget, we’re building a stronger economy and putting Illinois back on sound fiscal footing, while also making smart investments in priorities like education, healthcare, and local communities.”


This story was first published on May 27, 2023. It was updated on May 30, 2023, to correct the 2nd paragraph to say that the Illinois House approved the budget, not the Indiana House.

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