Two Lincoln Park schools were on lockdown Thursday morning following multiple coyote attacks and sightings in the area.
Lincoln Park High School and Lincoln Elementary were both placed on "temporary soft lockdown" following a coyote sighting, according to Chicago Public Schools spokesman James Gherardi. The lockdown restricted the students from going outside while Chicago Police and Animal Care and Control "assessed the situation."
"We have been given the all clear to lift the lockdown and the district is in the process of notifying families," Gherardi said just before 1:30 p.m.
Two coyote attacks were reported Wednesday, one of which took place near the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum in Lincoln Park, where a 5-year-old boy was bitten multiple times. The second attack happened in the city’s Streeterville neighborhood when a 32-year-old man walked into Northwestern Hospital and said he was bit by a coyote.
Police said the two attacks on Wednesday were related and authorities searched for the animal overnight.
Chicago Animal Care and Control officials said they were working to track the animal and investigate the incidents.
The attacks were the latest in a string of incidents involving coyotes across the area in recent days. An NBC 5 photographer spotted a coyote running through the city's Loop on Tuesday, and just hours earlier another coyote was pulled from Lake Michigan near Montrose Harbor.
The animals have also been spotted in the Old Town and Lincoln Park neighborhoods in recent weeks.