
Mollison Passes Inspection After Rodent Ruckus; Parents Want to Inspect The School For Themselves

Students are returning to school after a rodent infestiation at an elementary school. Parents were left upset, and claimed the school was not doing enough to remedy the issue. NBC 5’s Lauren Petty has the very latest.

It wasn’t until school had already started for the day that the city of Chicago notified the media that Mollison School had passed a health inspection this morning.

Some parents had already decided their kids weren’t going Friday after the school had failed two previous inspections.

Instead of walking into school, Mollison students are spending the day at the Harold Washington Cultural Center.

“I brought him here because I want to make sure he’s safe,” said Kenneth Baker, the parent of a Mollison student.

Baker dropped off his 5th grade son after the school failed a second rodent inspection yesterday.

"Now they got to be concerned about being bit by rats and that’s not good,” he said.

Chicago Public Schools has been deep cleaning the school for more than a week for rodent issues.

The teacher’s union posted a video of baby mice on a classroom pillow and local school council shared photos of dead mice and rodent droppings.

Frustrated local school council members organized an alternative program for students. They handed out flyers to parents as they dropped off their kids 

“Personally we, talked about it, and she hasn’t seen any rodents and my thought process varies,” Parent Alton Jackson said.

CPS says 45 staff members were at the school overnight, cleaning the school with hospital-grade disinfectants.

After school had already started for the day, The Health Department sent an email saying that Mollison passed an inspection early Friday morning.

But Yolanda Redman her three kids won’t be back, until local school council members can see for themselves.

"We are coming in as a group. We want a walkthrough.," Redman said. "We want to see the report from the city showing what failed and what passed today.”

There will be an emergency meeting at 5:30 p.m. Friday at Mollison where parents hope to get in as a group over the weekend to inspect the school themselves.

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